Monday, January 13, 2014

What now?

This past year my understanding, knowledge, and love of mathematics has grown and become something I didn't even know was possible. With that, I am finally beginning to understand why some of my professors are known as the "crazy" ones because of how much they l.o.v.e. the material they're teaching. The tricky question that follows that understanding is, does that mean I'm also on my way to becoming one of the "crazy ones"? And thus follows the question of whether or not that's necessarily a bad thing. The answers to those questions are still up in the air...

With this first week of teacher assisting I'm also beginning to see why I was led to this profession in the first place. I truly believe the best teachers are the ones who not only love their jobs as educators but also their content and the relationship they're able to form with all those they come in contact with. I'm beginning to see why this is what makes the best educators; though I'm not ecstatic about waking up at the crack of dawn every day, this is outweighed by how much I love being in the classroom and working with the students and watching them learn and understand. The sense of pride that comes with seeing what I've shown a student to do when faced with a problem is beyond rewarding.

I can't believe that a week ago I was terrified that I had not made the correct career choice. I am beyond excited to start teaching in my placement, create my own lessons, learn new ways to teach the material, and learn how to incorporate all the new technology that is available in my classroom. Whether or not I'm able to do all of this successfully will most likely be the biggest hurdle but that's the point of teacher assisting is it not? Trying new things, pushing your limits as an educator, and bettering yourself through the mistakes and successes you have. The only way to gauge whether or not what I do is successful will be not only be my opinion but also the reactions of my students...Here's to hoping this semester comes with more successes than failures; one can only hope right?

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